Thursday, June 25, 2009

After reading about Flickr I have many literacy ideas running through my head. Creating visual stories with Flickr is such a fantastic idea for people of all ages. Also, using this for social studies, or science is a wonderful idea! Having kids create a visual timeline for social studies or possibly a visual of the life cycle of a plant or butterfly would be so interactive and educational.

I can't wait to use Flickr with my students. I think this is a took that epitomizes the 21st century learning that our kids are needing. Tools such as Flickr give kids the create power to express themselves while learning. It isn't stationary and stagnant, it is interactive and 3d. It is the Read/Write Web that Richardson is showing us our digital natives need to learn.


  1. What are your thoughts about safety and Flickr? I'm very interested in this tool as well, but a common concern is safety. How would you make the case for this tool?

  2. I agree with your enthusiasm about Flickr. I think it is a tool that students at all abilities can use at different levels. Maybe a lower elementary student would use Flickr to tell a creative story of a butterfly, while a higher level science student could use Flickr to tell all the parts of a butterfly and the uses of those parts.

    The possiblities really seem endless. It seems rare when you find a tool that can fit K-12, but I am excited to see that this one could.
