Thursday, June 25, 2009

Chapter 6 The Social Web

For me, this (the social web) is why people have become so in love with the Internet. The ways people can learn from and interact with one another, digitally is so empowering and convenient for people. This chapter summarizes why people want to use the web and how the social web continues to become even more enticing for all.

For librarians, showing students and teachers the cutting edge of the social web will keep people connected and learning from one another. As Richardson points out "...this is much different from the traditional classroom in which most students work is done in isolation." Students may do their own work, however connecting them to a larger community empowers them to better their work. The learning doesn't just stop. Conversation continues...even after the assignment is handed in.


  1. I always thought of the social web more as sites like online dating, Facebook, and chat rooms. Now I have a much clearer understanding of it from Richardson. It sounds a lot better to hear it stated as a way to share information with people who have common interest.
    Lisa S.

  2. I love the idea of our students being able to collaborate and the social web serving as a tool for their collaboration. I am constantly amazed at the ideas and questions my students have about topics. The social web is a great way for students to bounce ideas and questions off each other. It seems like a great idea for all stages of learning.

  3. Now eductors are starting to get it...learn about the technology and interests of our students, tweak them, and have social networking in the classroom!
    I've always believed learning should be fun, and these great tools are making it that way.
